ROLL YOUR NICKLES (Shiners Nickle x Tootsie Rey by Dual Rey) AQHA Stallion

Lot Number:19
Start Time:2/1/2025 3:00:00 PM
End Time:2/25/2025 3:00:00 AM
Bid Count:1
Current High Bidder:a****l
Starting Bid:$250.00
Bid Increment:$100.00
Current Bid:$250.00

Roll Your Nickles is a promising young stallion with over 26k LTE. A 2018 buckskin, sired by Shiners Nickle (108,790+ LTE) and out of the great Tootsie Rey, legendary daughter of Dual Rey, with (209117+ LTE) who has over 1M PE,

Roll Your Nickles has proven his versatility in both NRCHA and Open Heeling. Roll Your Nickles has it all...speed, willing attitude, athleticism, looks, and lots of cow. His NRCHA rider Russell Probert and Heeler Cade Rice both praise his disposition as outstanding, and say he is the best mannered stud they've ever been on or around, as well as fast and focused on cattle. 

Roll Your Nickles continues to show with Cade Rice Performance Horses. They were the 2024 AQHA World Show Reserve Champions in Senior Heeling. His first foals hit the ground in 2023 and we are looking forward to seeing them in the performance arena. He has stamped them with excellent conformation, natural ability and good minds.

RYN is standing at Solo Select as an affiliate stallion for Frozen Semen Fresh, cooled semen will be available after April 15.Contact us for cooled semen contract.


Stipulations: Breeding to be used in 2025, LFG, frozen available February 1 - July 31 through Solo Select

After April 20 fresh cooled semen will be available on a limited basis
$700 chute fee and shipping 
Please contact us for contract and any questions

Owner: Logan Krone (406) 422-7024 WOLF CREEK, Montana

Stallion Location: Texas


Big Sky Horse Sales, LLC nor The NILE makes no guarantee or warranty regarding any breeding. Big Sky Horse Sales, LLC, specifically disclaims all warranties, express and implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. All payments on breedings are to be paid directly to The NILE and further arrangements to be made between the highest bidder and stallion owner/ agent 


No donations for this lot

NILE 2025 Gold Buckle Stallion Auction February 1st-24th, 2025

Funds raised from the breeding auction will be added to the 2025 NILE Gold Buckle Ranch Horse Futurity October 15th and 16th 

All breeding payments are to be paid directly to The NILE- shipping, mare care, etc. are to be settled with the stallion owner. 

Stallion's details, photos and information will be in the ad. Visit the "Document" tab to see stallions breeding contract. 

Contact Crystal Andersen at The NILE for questions 406.256.2497

United States